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[CCS规范] CCS 钢质海船入级规范 2023-06 attachment 龙船编辑 2023-7-18 17:06 31696 bigcat00700 2024-4-19 14:33
[DNV规范] DNV规范/指南/标准最新2023年7月版打包 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..18 黑白循环 2023-7-18 10:11 3587594 橘橘橘 2024-5-1 15:04
[DNV指南] DNV Technical specifications for closed circuit television systems 2023-07 attachment 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:57 0602 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:57
[DNV指南] DNV Liquefied gas carriers with independent prismatic tanks of type A and B 2023-05 attachment 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:52 0320 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:52
[DNV指南] DNV Data collection infrastructure 2023-07 attachment 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:48 0223 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:48
[DNV指南] DNV Calculation of crankshafts for reciprocating internal combustion engines 2023-05 attachment 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:40 0192 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:40
[DNV规范] DNV Rules for classification Yachts (RU-YACHT) 2023-07 attachment 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:27 0416 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:27
[DNV规范] DNV Rules for classification Underwater technology (RU-UWT) 2023-07 attachment 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:22 0204 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:22
[DNV规范] DNV Rules for classification Ships (RU-SHIP) 2023-07 attachment 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:14 0447 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:14
[DNV规范] DNV Rules for classification Offshore units (RU-OU) 2023-07 attachment 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:10 1261 bearlx 2024-3-15 16:47
[DNV规范] DNV Rules for classification High speed and light craft (RU-HSLC) 2023-07 attachment 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:00 0233 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:00
[LR指南] LR Recommendations for Design and Operation of Ammonia-Fuelled Vessels Based on Multi-disciplinary Risk Analysis 2023-07 attachment 龙船编辑 2023-7-11 14:30 0521 龙船编辑 2023-7-12 11:40
[IR规范] IR Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Steel Ship 2023-06 attachment 龙船编辑 2023-7-3 15:42 0410 龙船编辑 2023-7-4 09:38
[CCS指南] CCS 供方认可及人员资格管理指南 2023-06 attachment 龙船客服 2023-6-27 09:49 0542 龙船客服 2023-6-27 09:49
[CCS指南] CCS 国际航行海船能效设计指数(EEDI)计算与验证指南 2023年第1次变更通告 2023-06 attachment 龙船客服 2023-6-27 09:45 0568 龙船客服 2023-6-27 21:25
[CCS指南] CCS 海上固定平台模块钻机及修井机在役检验指南 2023-06 attachment 龙船客服 2023-6-27 09:42 0562 龙船客服 2023-6-27 09:42
[CCS指南] CCS 船舶焊接检验指南 2023第1次变更通告 2023-06 attachment 龙船客服 2023-6-27 09:39 0485 龙船客服 2023-6-27 09:39
[NK指南] NK Guidelines for Direct Load Analysis and Strength Assessment (Edition 3.0) 2023-06 attachment 龙船编辑 2023-6-26 15:32 0404 龙船编辑 2023-6-27 20:02
[CCS指南] CCS 船舶设备与系统可靠性验证指南 2023-06 attachment 龙船客服 2023-6-13 15:29 0463 龙船客服 2023-6-13 15:29
[CCS规范] CCS 国内航行海船建造规范 2023-06 attachment 龙船客服 2023-6-13 15:28 0758 龙船客服 2023-6-14 15:09
[KR指南] KR Guidelines for Ships Using Ammonia as Fuels 2023-06 attachment 龙船客服 2023-6-13 15:26 0404 龙船客服 2023-6-13 15:26
[CCS规范] CCS 材料与焊接规范 2023-06 attachment 龙船编辑 2023-6-12 15:51 11078 shihua201 2024-2-29 10:48
[CCS指南] CCS 节镍双相不锈钢检验指南 2023-06 attachment agree 龙船编辑 2023-6-6 14:07 0501 龙船编辑 2023-6-12 09:58
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for Building and Classing Liquefied Gas Carriers with Independent Tanks 2023-05 attachment 龙船客服 2023-5-31 13:49 0428 龙船客服 2023-6-12 09:57
[BV规范] BV NR266 R07 Requirements for survey of materials and equipment for the classification of ships and offshore units 2023-05 attachment 龙船客服 2023-5-18 09:25 0602 龙船客服 2023-5-18 09:25
[NK指南] NK Guidelines for Electronic Logbooks (Edition 1.0) 2023-05 attachment 龙船客服 2023-5-18 09:22 0403 龙船客服 2023-5-18 09:22
[ABS指南] ABS Requirements for Hydrogen Fueled Vessels 2023-05 attachment 龙船编辑 2023-5-15 16:47 0593 龙船编辑 2023-6-12 09:57
[ABS规范] ABS Requirements for Hydrogen Fueled Vessels 2023-05 attachment 龙船客服 2023-5-10 14:58 0482 龙船客服 2023-5-10 22:20
[ABS规范] ABS Requirements for Building and Classing Offshore Spaceports 2023-05 attachment 龙船客服 2023-5-10 14:53 0395 龙船客服 2023-5-10 22:20
[NK指南] NK Guidelines for Container Stowage and Securing Arrangements (Edition 3.1) 2023-04 attachment 龙船编辑 2023-5-9 17:10 0360 龙船编辑 2023-5-9 17:10
[NK指南] NK Guidelines for Additional Fire-fighting Measures for Container Carrier (Edition 1.0) 2023-04 attachment 龙船客服 2023-5-9 15:27 0424 龙船客服 2023-5-9 16:39
[NK指南] NK Guidelines for Wind-Assisted Propulsion Systems for Ships (Edition 2.0) 2023-04 attachment 龙船客服 2023-5-9 15:24 0490 龙船客服 2023-5-12 11:16
[CCS规范] CCS 国内航行海船建造规范 2023修改通报 2023-05 attachment 龙船客服 2023-5-9 15:14 0549 龙船客服 2023-6-12 08:22
[CCS规范] CCS 钢质海船入级规范 2023修改通报 2023-05 attachment 龙船客服 2023-5-9 15:12 0444 龙船客服 2023-5-15 06:53
[CCS规范] CCS 材料与焊接规范 2023年修改通报 2023-05 attachment 龙船客服 2023-5-9 15:11 0379 龙船客服 2023-5-9 16:39
[CCS指南] CCS 船舶自主航行附加标志检验指南 2023-04 attachment 龙船客服 2023-5-9 14:59 0443 龙船客服 2023-5-9 16:39
[NK指南] NK Guidelines for Shipboard CO2 Capture and Storage Systems (Edition 1.0)2023-04 attachment 龙船客服 2023-5-9 14:57 0378 龙船客服 2023-5-12 11:15
[BV规范] BV NR533 Approval of Service Suppliers 2023-04 attachment 龙船客服 2023-5-9 14:51 0560 龙船客服 2023-5-10 22:20
[BV规范] BV NR556 Emergency response service (ERS) 2023-04 attachment 龙船客服 2023-5-9 14:50 0492 龙船客服 2023-5-12 11:14
[CCS指南] CCS 海上油气二氧化碳捕集利用与封存系统检验指南 2023-04 attachment 龙船客服 2023-5-9 14:41 0448 龙船客服 2023-5-18 17:13
[CCS指南] CCS 基于计算流体力学(CFD)的内河船舶航速功率评估指南 2023-04 attachment 龙船客服 2023-5-9 14:39 0423 龙船客服 2023-5-10 22:20
[ABS指南] ABS STRUCTURAL DIRECT ANALYSIS FOR HIGH-SPEED CRAFT 2023-04 attachment 龙船编辑 2023-4-10 10:22 0968 龙船编辑 2023-4-10 10:22
[CCS指南] CCS 船舶网络防火墙检验指南 2023-04 attachment 龙船编辑 2023-4-10 10:01 0573 龙船编辑 2023-4-10 10:01
[CCS规范] CCS 钢质远洋渔船建造规范 2023年第1次变更通告 2023-04 attachment 龙船编辑 2023-4-10 09:59 0394 龙船编辑 2023-4-10 09:59
[CCS指南] CCS 船用燃料全生命周期温室气体排放强度计算与认证指南 2023-04 attachment 龙船编辑 2023-4-10 09:53 0638 龙船编辑 2023-10-16 09:56
[CCS指南] CCS 船舶数字化检验数据交换技术指南 2023-03 attachment 龙船编辑 2023-4-10 09:50 0414 龙船编辑 2023-4-10 09:50
[CCS规范] CCS 船舶应用电池动力规范 2023-03 attachment 龙船客服 2023-4-3 11:03 01088 龙船客服 2023-4-3 11:03
[ABS指南] ABS APPLICATION OF HIGHER-STRENGTH HULL STRUCTURAL THICK STEEL PLATES IN CONTAINER CARRIERS 2023-03 attachment 龙船客服 2023-3-30 16:53 0647 龙船客服 2023-6-27 16:53
[DNV指南] DNV Approval of predictive software applications to prevent excessive rolling of container ships 2022-12 attachment 龙船客服 2023-3-30 13:32 0431 龙船客服 2023-3-30 13:32
[DNV指南] DNV Marine equipment regulation 2022-06 attachment 龙船客服 2023-3-30 13:31 0484 龙船客服 2023-3-30 13:31
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