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公告 公告: 海上风电行业资讯,关注它就对了! 黑白循环 2020-11-19    
[DNV规范] DNV规范/指南/标准最新2023年7月版打包 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..18 黑白循环 2023-7-18 10:11 3587595 橘橘橘 2024-5-1 15:04
[DNV规范] DNV Rules for classification Yachts (RU-YACHT) 2023-07 attachment 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:27 0416 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:27
[DNV规范] DNV Rules for classification Underwater technology (RU-UWT) 2023-07 attachment 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:22 0204 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:22
[DNV规范] DNV Rules for classification Ships (RU-SHIP) 2023-07 attachment 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:14 0447 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:14
[DNV规范] DNV Rules for classification Offshore units (RU-OU) 2023-07 attachment 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:10 1261 bearlx 2024-3-15 16:47
[DNV规范] DNV Rules for classification High speed and light craft (RU-HSLC) 2023-07 attachment 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:00 0233 龙船客服 2023-7-17 15:00
[DNV规范] DNV Rules for classification: Offshore units (RU-OU) 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-6 09:54 01052 龙船客服 2022-7-6 09:54
[DNV规范] DNV Rules for classification: Floating docks (RU-FD) 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-6 09:43 0497 龙船客服 2022-7-6 09:43
[DNV规范] DNV Rules for classification: Naval vessels (RU-NAV) 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-6 09:41 0534 龙船客服 2022-7-6 09:41
[DNV规范] DNV Rules for classification: Underwater technology (RU-UWT) 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-6 09:19 0500 龙船客服 2022-7-6 09:19
[DNV规范] DNV Rules for classification: Yachts (RU-YACHT) 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-6 09:00 0737 龙船客服 2022-7-6 09:00
[DNV规范] DNV Rules for classification: Inland navigation vessels (RU-INV) 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-6 08:42 0306 龙船客服 2022-7-6 08:42
[DNV规范] DNV Rules for classification: High speed and light craft (RU-HSLC) 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-5 17:25 0373 龙船客服 2022-7-5 17:25
[DNV规范] DNV Rules for classification: Ships (RU-SHIP) 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-5 15:41 0951 龙船客服 2022-7-5 15:41
[DNV规范] DNV rules for classification: Ships (RU-SHIP) 2021-07 attachment 龙船客服 2021-7-19 15:59 0869 龙船客服 2021-7-19 15:59
[DNV规范] DNV rules for classification: General (RU-GEN) 2021-08 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-9 11:15 1872 系统发布 2021-3-9 11:17
[DNV规范] DNV rules for classification: Offshore units (RU-OU) 2020-10 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-13 14:56 01108 系统发布 2021-1-13 14:56
[DNV规范] DNV rules for classification: Floating docks (RU-FD) 2015-10 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-13 14:32 0590 系统发布 2021-1-13 14:32
[DNV规范] DNV rules for classification: Naval vessels (RU-NAVAL) 2020-10 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-13 14:24 31077 系统发布 2021-1-13 14:30
[DNV规范] DNV rules for classification: Naval vessels (RU-NAV) 2020-10 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-13 14:10 0531 系统发布 2021-1-13 14:10
[DNV规范] DNV rules for classification: Underwater technology (RU-UWT) 2020-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-13 14:01 61052 系统发布 2022-3-10 14:25
[DNV规范] DNV rules for classification: Yachts (RU-YACHT) 2021-01 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-13 13:45 6711 系统发布 2021-1-13 13:52
[DNV规范] DNV rules for classification: Inland navigation vessels (RU-INV) 2020-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-13 11:52 6922 系统发布 2021-1-13 13:36
[DNV规范] DNV rules for classification: High speed and light craft (RU-HSLC) 2021-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-13 11:22 61495 系统发布 2021-1-13 11:35
[DNV规范] DNV rules for classification: Ships (RU-SHIP) 2021-01 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-13 10:09 75147 系统发布 2021-1-13 11:10


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